Naked Boat Party


Now you can book your tickets or make your reservations for the Naked Boat Party (Away Event) directly from us too.

Join the hottest guys for a secret boat party where nothing stays on.. .

Naked Boat is a party for gay men who would like to spend another kind of afternoon than traditional boat parties. Discover new experience in a great company, meet new friends and partners.. Pssst… ! What happens on the Naked Boat, stays on the Naked Boat..

The bus pick-up is across the street from Basement Studio, at the Minigolf of the Yumbo  at 14:15 :

For the price of 69 € you will get:

-Free BUS from YUMBO to the boat and back.

-Open Bar throughout all the trip.

-Watersport activitIes.

-Canarian Food & Paella.

-Live DJ (electronic music)

-Open minded environment!

-MEN ONLY & Clothes Optional.

See you on the boat!